God is generous with gifts. Often it happens that we do not notice them.
Famous Christians tell us what gifts God blesses us with and what to do with them. We have gathered 10 quotes about God’s gifts in a person’s life.
“Prayer is first and foremost a gift from God, and then human effort.”
Henri Caffarel (1903 – 1996), founder of the Anneau d’Or (Ring of Gold), a magazine on marital and family spirituality, and the family “Group of the Blessed Virgin” (Equipes Notre-Dame), publisher of Cahier sur l’oraison (Notes on Prayer).
“Life is a treasure given to us by God.”
Cristobal Zaragoza (1923 – 1999), Spanish author.
“A strong spirit is not a gift; you must force yourself to nurture it.”
Roberts Liardon (b. 1966), author, speaker, spiritual leader, historian, and church humanist.
“Always be ready for the Lord’s gifts and always for new ones; and always remember that the Lord is a thousand times more ready to give than you are to receive.”
Meister Eckhart (c. 1260 – c. 1328), a medieval German theologian and philosopher, one of the greatest Christian mystics, taught of the presence of God in all things.
“Christian wisdom helps us to think of ourselves humbly. No matter how great our gifts and abilities may be, we will remain humble, loving, and grateful.”
Charles Bridges (1794-1869) was a famous English Christian author.
“Grace is not a reward for what we have done for God. It is something that God ‘just happens’ to do for us.”
Philip Yancey (b.1949), American Christian author and special assignments editor at Christianity today.
“If you are not sure of the goods to come, believe them based on the present ones you have already received.”
John Chrysostom (347 – 407), Archbishop of Constantinople, theologian, revered as one of the three Ecumenical saints and teachers.
“He who has the gift of faith fears nothing; he can act in any situation. However, God can only activate this gift if we are in the Spirit. When, through the Spirit of God, the gift of faith begins to work in a person, that person usually knows what God is going to do.”
Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947) was a British religious leader and a key figure in the history of Pentecostalism. Healing Evangelist.
“The power of the Spirit is manifested when the believer uses his gift.”
Charles Stanley (b. 1932), doctor, senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Atlanta, and founder of In Touch Ministries.
“Spiritual gifts belong to us today – and the only reason they don’t work is that Christians have become pagans again, left only with a dead form.”
John Wesley (1703 – 1791), English Protestant preacher and founder (with George Whitefield) of Methodism.