Testimony of healing from 8 tumors

Testimony of healing from 8 tumors

God gave Jess and Amy Shemp the keys and revelations in God’s Word that helped them receive healing from 8 tumors in their heads.

God began to give us revelations in God’s Word of power over sickness and infirmities. From that moment on, we saw people healed of cancer and tumors.

One day during a ministry in Milwaukee, a pastor brought a woman up to us. She had stage 4 cancer. The doctors were giving her six weeks to live. They told her to go home and get her affairs in order. It was a serious situation.

Jess and I looked at each other and knew we had to agree and pray for her in faith. We laid our hands on her and began to pray, cursing all the tumors. This woman had 8 tumors in her head in 4 stages. We began to curse these 8 tumors.

A week and a half later we got an amazing testimony! This woman went to the doctor, where it was revealed that she was 100 percent healed. The tumors were gone! The doctors couldn’t explain it. She was healed.

Source: Interview on “It’s Supernatural.”

Published on imbf.org

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