The first resurrection from the dead happened to my daughter.
She was 7 years old and fell from the second floor to concrete. It was about 6 meters. She fell on the concrete. I was sitting at my table and was not ready for this, I was not ready to pray for the resurrection.
I was not prepared. I was not in bed or prayer. Thank God that He does not have such demands as we do. When I heard the sound of falling, I did not know what happened.
I went down and saw her lying face down. When I lifted her, her nose was flattened, her face was fresh and her teeth entered the gum. I lost my first daughter and the first thought that came to me in a split second was her funeral.
I heard in my head a voice that said: “You have lost one, you will lose the other”. These words were constantly sounding in me. In one moment I saw a small coffin and a funeral. When I heard this voice, I began to say, “In the name of Jesus you won’t die, but you will live”. I began to speak these words in whispering, but then louder and louder to shout out the voice that was spoken in my head.
I held my daughter in my arms and for about 20-25 minutes I spoke and shouted these words as hard as I could, “You will not die, but you will live in the name of Jesus. I brought her into the house and sat her down against the wall. Her head was hanging, her hands were sagging on her sides. My wife ran into the room in a panic. The gift of faith was working and when I turned to her, I said: “If you do not believe, go away”. She calmed down.
I knelt on the floor near my daughter and continued to say, “In the name of Jesus, you will live and not die”. After a while, it was as if someone had hit her in the stomach. She jumped as if from a defibrillator. She spits out the blood right at me.
I saw her open her eyes. I saw a person come back and his eyes get a camera-like focus. The first thing she said: “Dad, I am hungry”.
We took her to the hospital, where doctors confirmed that she had been dead for at least 45 minutes. Today my daughter Becky is born again, filled with the Spirit of God, a young woman ready to go on a mission.
Testimony by Curry Blake
(On photo, Curry and his daughter Rebecca)