Kenneth Hagin

Healing Testimony from heart disease and paralysis

I was born with a deformed heart. I never ran or played like other children.

Four months before my sixteenth birthday, I went to bed. My body was almost completely paralyzed. I melted before my eyes until I weighed only 89 pounds (about 44.5 kg).

One day I asked the fifth doctor who was treating me: “Is there something wrong with my vision or with my blood?” When Dr. Mathis took the blood from my finger, it was not red.

The doctor answered: “I will tell you the truth, son. I will explain it to you in simple terms. White blood cells eat red blood cells faster than you can recreate them or doctors can do something about it. If it weren’t for your heart disease and paralysis, this incurable disease alone would be enough to kill you”.

I knew nothing about divine healing. I did not know any person in the world who believed in divine healing. When I found it in the Bible, I thought I found something that nobody knew anything about. I started to act based on God’s Word, and I was healed.

Our family members were what are called nominal Christians. In fact, they were Christian babies. They were saved, but they were not taught anything else. They were ignorant in God’s Word about the healing. (Our church taught that God could heal if He wanted. Others taught that He could not heal). So when I started to see certain truths in the Bible and talk about it in our family, my relatives would not listen to me. I had enough mind to stay with the Bible and keep everything inside me.

READ ALSO  Healing Testimony from Arts syndrome

Not a single person was in my room when I was healed.

Kenneth Hagin

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