I want to share with you my great joy and testify to another powerful healing!
Yesterday Zamira and I noticed one family with a boy in the supermarket, this boy I think is about 12 years old. He just barely walked, as his knees were turned to the side and his feet were turned out to 90 degrees, a normal person can not turn his feet so much.
This boy walked like a frog, the sight of course was pathetic. We approached his mother and she allowed us to pray for him. I asked his name and he started saying something, but it was impossible to understand. His mother said that his name was Josh and that he had an Arts syndrome and the problem was not in his legs but that his brain was not controlling his body properly.
We didn’t know what this disease is, we just started to demand that this syndrome comes out of his body in the name of Jesus and that the boy walks normally, that his legs are straightened. We prayed, but nothing happened, he was slowly leaving us, but we went with him where he went and didn’t let him go and everyone prayed, his mother followed us.
It must have lasted for about 15 minutes, but it didn’t work out and then I finally stopped and let him go and went to his mother and started telling her that she had to pray for him too and while I was talking to her I heard Zamira screaming at me: Lesya, Lesya, look quickly! I turned around and saw that the boy was walking in our direction and was walking straight and his legs straight and his feet straight, he was walking like a normal boy with a normal walk. It was a real miracle!
We all stood and just looked at him, and some other people near us stopped and looked at him as he walked! But that’s not even all, he came up to us and asked us something and everything was clear and clear, clear speech, he spoke very short sentences, but it was clear, he asked us who we were, why we held him, we said that we prayed for him.
It was a real miracle, it was our Jesus, it was the brightest healing that I saw myself, the Lord gave us to see this miracle. Yesterday I Google read about this syndrome, which was in boy, it is the change of chromosome in the dunk of the cell, the mutation, it is not treated like Down syndrome. But, nevertheless, the matter is subject to its Creator, he changes matter, changes the structure of billions of cells, above our consciousness.
I thank our Jesus for the Power of Prayer He gave us! Good day to you, with God.
Lesya Gazeri