Words can revive dead cells in the body

A world sensation! Words can revive dead cells in the body

During the research, scientists were amazed at the tremendous power of words.

So how did they achieve this? The research showed that the systems remembered the conditions that affected them, and this information was stored in them

Let’s start in order. Back in 1949, researchers Enrico Fermi, Ulam, and Pasta studied non-linear systems – oscillating systems whose properties depend on the processes occurring in them. These systems behaved unusually at a certain state.

The studies showed that the systems remembered the conditions of influence on them, and this information was stored in them for quite a long time. A typical example is the DNA molecule, which stores the information memory of an organism. Even back then scientists wondered how it was possible that an irrational molecule, possessing no brain structures or nervous system, could have a memory that was more accurate than any modern computer. Later, scientists discovered the mysterious solitons.

Solitons, solitons…

A soliton is a structural steady wave found in nonlinear systems. There was no limit to the scientists’ astonishment. After all, these waves behave like intelligent beings. It was only after 40 years that scientists were able to advance in this research. The essence of the experience was the following – with the help of specific devices scientists managed to trace the path of these waves in the chain of DNA. Passing the chain, the wave read the information completely. This could be compared to a person reading an open book, only hundreds of times more accurate. All experimenters during the study had the same question – why do solitons behave this way, and who gives them such a command?

Why do solitons behave this way?

Scientists tried to influence solitons with human speech recorded on an information medium. What the scientists saw exceeded all expectations – the solitons came to life under the influence of words. The researchers went further – they directed these waves at wheat grains, which had previously been irradiated with a dose of radioactivity that breaks DNA strands and makes them unviable. After exposure, the wheat seeds sprouted. Under a microscope, DNA destroyed by radiation was observed to recover.

It turns out that human words were able to revive a dead cell, i.e. under the influence of words the solitons began to possess life-giving power.

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These results have been repeatedly confirmed by researchers from other countries – Great Britain, France, America. Scientists have developed a special program in which human speech was transformed into vibrations and superimposed on the waves-solitons, and then influenced the DNA of plants. As a consequence, the growth and quality of the plants were greatly accelerated. Experiments were also conducted with animals, after exposure to them, there was an improvement of blood pressure, pulse leveling, and somatic indicators.

The scientists’ research did not stop there

Experiments on the effect of human thought on the state of the planet were carried out in collaboration with colleagues from scientific institutes in the United States and India. Experiments were conducted more than once, 60 and 100 thousand people took part in the last ones. This is truly a huge number of people. The main and necessary rule of the experiment was the presence of creative thought in people. For this purpose, people, of their own free will, gathered in groups and directed their positive thoughts to a certain point on our planet. During and over the course of several twenty-four hours, crime rates in the city dropped dramatically! The process of the impact of creative thought was recorded by scientific instruments, which recorded the most powerful flow of positive energy.

Human thought is material

Scientists believe that these experiments proved the materiality of human thought and feeling, and their incredible ability to resist evil, death, and violence. Once again scientific minds through their pure thoughts and aspirations scientifically confirm the ancient proverbial truths – human thoughts can both create and destroy.

The choice is up to the individual

The choice is up to a man, for it is the direction of his attention that determines whether he will create or negatively affect those around him and himself. Human life is a constant choice, and one can learn to make it correctly and consciously.

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