miracles of organ creation

30 incredible miracles of organ creation

Let these testimonies of organ creation be an encouragement to believe more, to pray bravely, and to expect more. Lord is Creator!

The Lord created a great miracle, there was a missing joint

When my nephew was 2 years old, doctors diagnosed him with hip joint dissolution. There was a bone, but there was no joint. He could not walk. Doctors said that when he stops growing, he will get an implant. There were no other options. He was doomed to ride in a wheelchair. We put the boy on the prayer line of the church Father’s Blessing and he wore anointed things. When they started to pray for him, it got even worse: the joint was dissolving more and more. But… Four years had passed. Now the child is 7 years old. He is completely healed. Doctors said that there was not a single case in the world for such a disease to be somehow restored. God has restored his joint; he has no disorders in his legs or spine. Now he is doing ballroom dancing.

Creation of the iris

For the service of our church brought a blindly born baby, without iris. The baby was taken to specialists and doctors said that it is the rarest disease on earth and it is not cured, the baby will be blind all his life. On the second day after the prayer, we were informed by the child’s parents that the iris began to grow and appear in their eyes.

Unbelievable! The cancer of the bottom of the mouth just disappeared!

Hello, I want to testify about God’s miracle. My friend Lyudmila had cancer of the bottom of the mouth cavity. There was a nonhealing wound in her mouth. We came to the Father’s Blessing Church, we prayed for her there. We were there only in the first part of the service because we had to leave. On the way to the station we bought shawarma, got on the train, and she was hungry. Previously, she was anesthetized with freezing spray, but this time, she just began to eat. The shawarma was very sharp, but she did not feel any pain at all. She felt the sharpness of spices, but there was no pain. Already on the train, she noticed that the wound in her mouth, which did not heal just disappeared. She began to look in the mirror, then she was pleased and testified to others that she was healed by God. For a long time, she could not sleep from such joy. Before her trip to Kyiv, she had never been to such churches before. Praise our Lord! Kherson 11.08.16 P.S. The woman appeared to the doctors and they confirmed that she is healthy, and they began to ask themselves where and to whom she went. Our God is unbelievable! He is our healer!

The miracle of creation – a new lens of the eye appeared after prayer

The man is completely blind in the right eye. At the hospital, he was told that he had to have an operation and insert an artificial lens into his eye and then he could see again with this eye. The man had only half of the amount that was needed for the operation and so he gave up. He came to the healing service, and during the prayer, there was a word of knowledge that the Lord is now creating new body parts and organs. At that moment, the man received by a miracle a new lens. He himself came forward to testify. He closed his left eye with his hand and repeated with surprise what he saw with the eye he had seen absolutely nothing before prayer. Praise the Lord!

The creation of new skin and a miracle with veins

Her skin was covered with blue and red spots from varicose veins, capillary meshes and varicose nodes were highly visible on the skin of her feet. She also had deep vein thrombosis, which made her legs swollen, heavy, and itchy. After praying for the creation of new body parts, she received a complete miracle. She went out and showed her legs, which were completely clean from stains. The capillary meshes disappeared, and the veins were not visible, the knots disappeared, the heaviness in the legs went away and the swelling slept. Thank God!

The scar is gone, the pain is gone and my leg is completely healthy

18 years ago, I was chopping wood, and it so happened that I chopped my foot between my fingers with an ax, it first healed and did not bother me for 10 years. But then it started to inflammation sharply, blushed and started to hurt, because of this, I couldn’t wear shoes normally, started to walk badly, it was also difficult to do different jobs. But after I went to the Father’s Blessing Church, I heard the prayer of God’s man for healing and a miracle happened, the redness went away, the pain went away, and the scar disappeared. Now my leg is completely healthy. Thank God for this miracle. And all the glory to Him! Andrey Kostyuk, 39, Cherkasy.

The miracle of the creation of a new eardrum

The girl carelessly pierced the eardrum with a sharp object, after the forehead she stopped hearing with that ear. After praying for healing, she felt a click in her ear, and then she started hearing again in that ear. Praise the Lord!

The miracles of creation. Prayer changed the shape of the girl’s nose

For her on the phone prayed a sister from the prayer Church Blessing of the Father, and when the girl came home and checked herself, the shape of her nose has changed for the better. Her relatives also noticed a difference. Her nose and facial features became more beautiful. This cosmetic miracle happened by the grace of God and the faith of God’s people. Praise the Lord!

The Lord created new veins instead of the bad ones

After praying for the creation of new body parts, a guy came out to the testimony and showed his legs. He repeated many times that all his veins had just disappeared and his legs were now fine, and before that he had had a lot of blown veins that had been raised due to sports activities. The guy said that the pain and heaviness in his legs, which he had always had, had also gone away. Thank God!

The miracles of creation were a broken arm and after praying he was gone

It so happened that my grandson broke his hand. My daughter calls me and says that they are already in the hospital and the doctors have fixed the broken arm. I came to the hospital and saw that my grandson had already had a splint. I prayed for my grandson with my hands laid. My hand was swollen and turned blue. My grandson was sent for an X-ray. When he was X-rayed, the doctors were very surprised, because they did not find any fracture. There is no fracture. My grandson is healthy. Thank God! Krutose Tamara, 58, Novogrodovka, Church Blessing of the Father.

The purple formation in the ear has completely disappeared

My name is Angelica; I am 46 years old, I came from the city of Rodinskoye. I had a problem, had an education – a tumor in my ear, not beautiful, purple, it created discomfort, at the same time not aesthetic, I let go of my hair. When I came to the Father’s Blessing Church, I went through prayer, prayed for tumors, formations, for everything I had healing and anointing occurred. They prayed for me and it turned out that I did not pay attention, after 2 days I noticed that something was wrong with me. I looked and I had a clean ear, and there were no traces of it. Thank God, Jesus, In the name of Jesus Christ I am healed.

Creation of new fabrics

The woman wanted to give birth to another child, but the last delivery was difficult and she had a caesar section, after which she was treated for a long time, there were problems and it was her problem. During the service, this woman by the word of knowledge received a miracle of the creation of new tissues on the place where the caesar section was. At home, she checked herself and the postoperative scar disappeared and now she can not be afraid of another birth.

READ ALSO  Testimony of Healing from cerebral hemorrhage

The miracle of changing the shape of the nose

My name is Larisa. When I was five years old, my neighbor accidentally cut my nose with a shovel. I had a lot of equipment for this occasion when my nose healed and they formed a dent. I prayed. During the service, they prayed for me and I felt a crack in my nose. After that, I and others noticed that the dent in my nose was level. My nose completely changed. Praise the Lord!

God works cosmetic wonders

A woman came to the healing service in the Church of the Father’s Blessing, and her nose was blocked from the fact that the septum was displaced, doctors said that the operation should be done for the nose to breathe productively enough. By the middle of the service, after general prayers, God healed the woman’s nose, and she began to breathe very well. “The nose is breathing now,” she testified! Hallelujah!

Healing from severe dermatitis

The woman had a problem, strong dermatitis on her hands and feet to the knees. The skin burst into blood, and even the meat was visible. She accidentally went to the IMBF website and found a video from the “Swelling away” ministry. After the first viewing of this video, she itched and her wounds were a little bit chipped. She watched it twice and noticed how her arms and legs were completely cleaned from the former wounds and small scars on her body. Thank God!

The miracle of forming a new joint in a shortened leg

My name is Tanya. The woman was in an accident, she had a strong operation and her joint was removed. After that, her leg became shorter and from the friction of her bones, she experienced severe pain, plus she had a lot of internal diseases. We talked to this woman, I told her the Sunday sermon, I prayed for her leg, she immediately felt better. The next day she called me and told me that after the prayer something had happened in her, if she had always walked with a stick before and had never left home, now she had dropped the stick and reworked all the household chores. Later she called me and said that her short leg had grown 4 centimeters. She used to be handicapped, but now the strength has returned to this woman, she even got younger and she is healed. Thank God!

The scars from the suicide attempt disappeared after the service

My name is Lena; I am 16 years old. I have a certificate of the glory of God. I went to a Christian camp and I had scars on my hand, on my left hand from a suicide attempt. I cut, tried to cut veins and after that I had scars. And once, on the 6th or 7th day of stay in the Christian camp, I stood on glorification, and I just thought about what would be good if these scars were not present. And at the end of the glorification I opened my eyes, I looked at my hands and I saw that these scars no longer exist. Praise the Lord.

The miracles of creation of new fabrics – the seam disappeared after prayer

Once I was invited by a friend to a service at the Church of the Father’s Blessing. At the service, there was a prayer for the dissolving of the seams. I remembered that recently I had a fresh stitch on my leg after surgery in December. I cut my leg very deeply, and doctors had to cut wider than this wound because they doubted if I had caught any artery. Then, a week later, I noticed the suture and Glory to our Great Healer, my suture dissolved. There was nothing left of it. Glory to Jesus. (Lyudmila, 49 years old, Church Blessing of the Father).

God created a new eye, glaucoma has disappeared

After praying for the healing, an elderly man came out and testified that his eye, after the prayer, as if scales fell off and a cloudy eye affected by glaucoma, cleaned itself and began to see. Praise the Lord!

The miracle of creating new nails on his feet

My name is Antonina. At the service, there was a prayer for socks, so that people would have all sorts of diseases of legs, bones, bones, nails, etc. I also brought socks for their anointing. After that, I put them on for the night. I had a fungus on my feet and because of it my nails were very spoiled, they were stratified and spoiled. When I woke up in the morning I was surprised to see new, beautiful pink nails on my feet. Thank God!

After the prayer, the purple hand got a different color, it became pink

My name is Svetlana. One girl came to my work – a drug addict. She had very swollen norias and hands. Her hands were brown purple. She told me that her arm hurt very badly and she can’t sleep normally and she doesn’t know what caused it. I suggested her to pray for healing. When I put my hand to her, I had a feeling as if my hand had got into the boiling water. After the prayer my hand got a different color; it became pink of normal color. Thank God!

The disappearance of the blue postoperative scar on my chest

My name is Catherine, I am almost 60 years old, the city of Dimitrov, Blessing of the Father. Once we prayed there for all kinds of scars here, well, I once had breast surgery. And I had a blue scar on my chest. I didn’t pay attention in general, and then after that, when we once prayed there for all sorts of stitches for everything, I looked at it as if it was the same blue one again. But recently I became well when I was washing, I looked at it not there, just a white spot like that. Thank God.

The bloated vein has healed and disappeared

My name is Larisa. On Sunday we had guests from another city in the church. One sister went out to pray for a completely different need. But when they came home, two days later she noticed that the Lord had healed her vein. After giving birth, she had a bloated vein from the groin area to her foot for 20 years. Praise the Lord!

Healing from a serious skin problem

My name is Aizhan and I am from Kazakhstan. I had a problem: I had a stressful situation, due to this stress I had an acne rash all over my face and body. I went to the hospital doctors said that I need treatment, which will cost 300 dollars a day. It was not acceptable for me; I thought it was very expensive for me. I did not know how to get rid of it. It so happened that my husband and I came to Ukraine and came to the Church Blessing of the Father. I did not think that I would get this release, but God miraculously healed me. After I returned to Kazakhstan, I felt liberation before inside me, and then I already saw it on my body. My body gradually began to disappear and literally in 10 days I was completely healed. I thank the Lord Jesus that He freed me and healed me.

Healing from ulcers on my face

My name is Natasha. My neighbor had a kidney disease, which manifested itself outside in the form of ulcers. She had a deep ulcer on her face like a crust. She was fighting and appeared again. Another deep ulcer was on the nose bridge. All this lasted about six months. The anointed sock came in handy. And the man was healed. Praise the Lord!

On glorification, the cut off a bundle of the finger immediately took root.

I sharpened the sickle and cut a slanting bundle of my finger. I prayed and the pain went away. But the bundle did not take root. I was always wearing a fingerstall. But today it was torn. And while I was standing on glorification, God healed my finger – now there is no crack on it. (Galina, 56)

Glory to the Lord!

Published on imbf.org

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