15 Quotes about Faithfulness

15 Quotes about Faithfulness: Sayings of Famous Christians

Faithfulness is a valuable quality for people as well as for God.

What does it mean to be faithful? How to be a faithful Christian? Here’s what famous ministers of God think about it. We’ve gathered 15 quotes about faithfulness.

“God does not so much use Christians with the gift of evangelism as the faithfulness of thousands and millions of Christians who will never say that evangelism is their gift.”
Mark Dever (born 1960), senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., president and co-founder of 9Marks Ministries.

“Don’t be grieved if you don’t get what you ask for right away. God wants to give you greater good through your persistence in prayer.”
John Chrysostom (347 – 407), Archbishop of Constantinople, theologian, is revered as one of the three Ecumenical saints and teachers.

“Small things are small things, but to be faithful in small things is a big deal.”
Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), a famous English missionary to China and founder of the Chinese Inland Mission.

“By attending church we thereby testify before men of our loyalty and devotion to Jesus.”
Morris Wenden (1932 – 2013), preacher, teacher, author.

“The commandments are important, above all, in that they mark among other people faithful sons of the Lord.”
Gordon MacDonald (b. 1939), M.Div., B.A., pastor, counselor, author.

“I resolved: to follow the Lord with all my heart. Also resolved: no matter if others are faithful to God, I will be faithful.”
Jonathan Edwards (1703 – 1758), an American Congregationalist preacher from Northampton, is considered the greatest theologian and preacher of the Great Revival era.

“To remain faithful is to do our daily duty, trusting fully in Him and relying on Him.”
Charles Stanley (b. 1932), MD, senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Atlanta and founder of In Touch Ministries.

“No matter who or what anyone says about you, take it all in with a smile and keep doing your thing.”
Mother Teresa (1910-1997), Catholic nun, founder of the Sisters of the Missionaries of Love, Nobel Peace Prize winner (1979).

“Success in the great depends on faithfulness in the small.”
Aurelius Augustine (354 – 430), Christian theologian and philosopher, a most influential preacher, Bishop of Hippo (from 395), one of the Fathers of the Christian Church.

“I will give you one clue for your final examination. One day, you will stand before God and He will evaluate your faithfulness.”
Rick Warren (b. 1954), founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Evangelical Church in Lake Forest, Calif.


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